The prospect of defeat

Oct 20, 2016 by

by Michael Sukkar Spectator:

Hypocrisy and political game-playing aren’t the only reasons (Australia’s) Labor and the Greens oppose a plebiscite (on gay marriage).

The biggest recent shock for the West’s metropolitan elites, and for the pundits that help form their worldview, was the Brexit vote in the United Kingdom. Almost all the great and the good in the UK wanted to Remain. Abroad, President Obama found common ground with China’s President Xi in supporting Remain (perhaps only coincidentally, Bob Carr and Sam Dastyari shared President Xi’s view).

But despite the indications of opinion polls and the expectations of almost all pundits, the people of the UK ignored the entreaties of their betters and voted to Leave.

Something of the same disconnect between elites and the populace appears to have formed over the issue of same-sex marriage (SSM). Tout le monde supports ‘marriage equality’, the elites’ favoured term for SSM. Of course, their monde doesn’t include the bigots and haters who aren’t on board with marriage equality. After all, who would want to hang out with people like that?

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