The Strange Death of Europe – 3 – Islam

Aug 26, 2017 by

by David Robertson, theweeflea:

“Atheists don’t fly planes into buildings” – it was a point delivered with all the certainty of a man who feels he has just delivered a killer blow to his opponent who was in this case,download yours truly.   His ‘point’ repeated thousands of times on atheist and secularist websites and social media (from whence he had gathered this bon mot) was greeted with rapturous applause by those who shared his faith. The response?

‘Neither do Presbyterians…nor Baptists…nor Catholics…nor Anglicans….not even Charismatics….and in fact neither do the majority of Muslims”. But for the simplistic worldview of the Atheist Fundamentalist this point is missed. In their world they put together two and two and make 25. This is how they work:

  • All religions are essentially the same.
  • All religions should be treated the same.
  • The people who flew the planes into the twin towers were Muslims.
  • Muslims are religious.
  • Religious makes or inspires people to fly into buildings or be suicide bombers.
  • Therefore we have to be suspicious about all religions and sideline them out of public life.   All religions must be treated as potential threats.

But there is another kind of simplicism that works another way.

  • All religions are essentially about peace, love and understanding.
  • Islam is a religion of peace – is that not after all what it means? (this is one of the half truths that our rulers are desperate to believe – Islam means submission.  Peace is only possible for those who submit to Allah)
  • The vast majority of Muslims are peaceful.
  • Therefore those who claim to kill in the name of Islam, shouting ‘Allah is great’ are not in fact real Muslims.
  • Anyone who makes any connection between Islam and terrorism is Islamaphobic.

It appears to me that the liberal elites whether of the Left or Right in our culture seem to hold both these irrational views at the same time. It’s why its as sure as night follows day that whenever there is an Islamist terror attack, within hours you will get senior politicians pointing out that this was nothing to do with Islam. It’s why Douglas Murray gets banned from the media, universities and any establishment where the Establishment are afraid of his views.  And its why in our third part of the review of his book we now turn to look at Islam –

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