The Tyranny of the Progressives – Another Step Backwards

Dec 2, 2016 by

by David Robertson, theweeflea:

You may have missed it but yesterday was a significant day in the British Parliament.  It almost passed me by, but in the providence of God I happened to be watching the UK parliament channel (as one does) and saw the seeds of the coming disaster being sown. Bigger than Brexit, more dangerous than Same Sex Marriage, this story has gone largely unheralded and unannounced, except in a few in-house LGBT activist groups and the reliably liberal Huffington Post. The story is the first Transgender ‘debate’ in the UK parliament, on a report from the Women and Equalities Committee. Some people think that what happened in the House of Commons today is not very important at all – the BBC haven’t even reported on it.   But according to some of the MPs who took part in the debate, it is one of the most significant debates in recent Parliamentary history. I am very much inclined to agree with the latter.

I watched – in increasing sorrow and horror- as the familiar pattern began to repeat itself. I was longing for someone to stand up and speak some sense. And then I hoped that someone would speak in the media – some politician or the Church of England or the Church of Scotland as our ‘national’ churches. But nothing. Nada. Silence. And I thought ‘you had better shut up too. You have spoken enough. Keep quiet. Go about your daily business. Don’t give the haters more ammunition.   Go home.’   But I couldn’t. I have no illusions. Mine is only a very small voice but I have to use it and hope that it will be joined by many other small voices. If we do not speak out for the poor, the weak and the disempowered then who will? I really do not want to write this! I have no need to write it. I would so prefer to be writing about other things, but I am compelled by what happened today.

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See also: When refusing to call a man ‘they’ becomes a hate crime, by Gavin Ashenden

New UN Czar for homosexual and transgender rights taunts General Assembly, by Stefano Gennarini, C-Fam


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