The Urgency of Restoring the Biblical Values of America’s Founders

Jul 8, 2017 by

by Arthur Goldberg, Public Discourse:

Our nation was founded on biblical principles as a haven for devoutly religious dissidents. We forget our Judeo-Christian origins and the founders’ commitment to freedom of religion at our peril.

When I was a child, I learned at school that America was settled as a refuge from religious persecution. The American colonists understood their emigration from the Old World in light of the exodus of the Jews from Egypt; they saw England as Egypt, the King as Pharaoh, the Atlantic Ocean as the Red Sea, America as the land of Israel. These “new Israelites” left Europe in order to find freedom and to build a society on biblical principles.

The colonists were in large part successful. The nation they eventually founded in this land was in reality—and in the understanding of subsequent generations—built in accordance with the Judeo-Christian worldview. Only in the last several decades have liberals attempted to drive a wedge between the United States and its biblical founding, especially by misinterpreting the First Amendment in the courts. This is no less than an attempt to erase from memory the source of our civic unity. The consequences are dire.

Biblical Values and Freedom of Religion in the American Founding

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