The West Can’t Really Believe Islamists Mean to Conquer The World

May 15, 2017 by

CBN News:

Atlanta Pastor Michael Youssef was born in Egypt, lived there and among Muslims many years, and knows Islam inside out.

He warns that millions of radical Muslims believe it is their religious duty to dominate all other political systems and religions. He says they are firmly set on setting up a long-prophesied global caliphate to rule a conquered world.

People in high places are listening to what Youssef has to say.

Just this past Friday, he and several other religious leaders were invited to what turned out to be a long White House meeting.

Right afterwards, he walked over to chat with CBN News at Lafayette Park just across from the White House.

In his new book “The Barbarians Are Here,” Youssef explains that he’s calling Islamists barbarians because they fit the specific meaning of the word.

“A barbarian is a person who is not part of our civilization, who wants no part of our civilization, and who seeks the conquest and destruction of our civilization,” he writes.

Out to Destroy What Makes The West, The West

“The Islamists – Muslims who seek to restructure all governments and all of society in accordance with the laws of Islam – are cultural chauvinists who see Islam’s Sharia law as vastly superior to Western secular law,” he continues.

“They believe a totalitarian Islamic culture would be infinitely superior to the free societies of Western civilization, which are based on Judeo-Christian values.  They seek the destruction of Western civilization, and that makes them – by definition – barbarians,” Youssef adds.

His book details how these Islamists are using not only terrorism and war to achieve this destruction.

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