There is a new heresy

Jun 27, 2017 by

from Voice for Justice UK:

To ensure a functioning Parliamentary majority Theresa May concludes a deal with the DUP; in the interests of transparency publishes the agreement in full; and is immediately accused of giving them a ‘bung’.  Criticisms abound, especially from the Welsh and Scottish Assemblies, who would also like more money – no surprise there then.  But surely the most pernicious and worrying criticisms come from those who attack the DUP for their unashamedly Christian stance on moral issues that the UK has now ideologically redefined, and imposed by law.

Ex-Tory chairman Chris Patten has reportedly predicted that the ‘toxic brand’ of the DUP will taint Theresa May and harm the Conservative party, specifically identifying the DUP’s hardline stance on issues such as gay equality 

How is it people today can so easily be branded toxic, intolerant, and bigoted simply because they adhere to the traditional teachings of Christianity, and refuse to endorse abortion, or same sex marriage?   As far as can be ascertained, the DUP have never at any time expressed ‘hatred’ for those who support such choices: they have simply said they disagree, citing as cause the moral incompatibility of such practices with Christian faith.

As it is, the universal condemnation and vilification of this identifiably ‘Christian’ party by gay marriage supporters, so strongly articulated by the likes of Chris Patten and Ruth Davidson – who demanded and was given assurance that there would be no rescission of LGBTI rights – speaks volumes.

Who are the real bigots here?  Who the real peddlers of hatred and intolerance? 

Sadly, what we are seeing is nothing less than the systemic demonization of Christians by those who want justification and social endorsement of the new morality, and who want to drive all expression of Christianity from the public arena.

Christian faith is being increasingly suppressed by the relentless drive of Secular and LGBTQ activists.

It is time for the intolerance, bigotry and intimidation of these so-called liberals to be exposed.

Standing on Articles 9 and 10 of the Human Rights Act 1998 (, we call for freedom of belief and of speech for all.  In particular, we call for protection for the right of Christian MPs to free speech, and that secular and LGBT activists not be allowed to suppress Christian belief by unjustified accusations of hatred and bigotry.

If you agree, please sign and share our petition:
And please, if you haven’t yet done so, sign and share our other petition calling for all sex education in the UK to carry full and comprehensive warning of the health risks attaching to non-monogamous sex:

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