This brave pensioner is a hero, not Public Enemy No. 1

Apr 6, 2018 by

by Richard Littlejohn, Mailonline:

London’s murder rate has overtaken New York. Feral gangs now pose more of a threat to life and limb than terrorists.

Social media is fuelling a bloody crime wave, claiming the lives of dozens of young people, including a 17-year-old girl gunned down on the streets of Tottenham.

The rising death toll is blamed on a politically motivated decision to scale back stop-and-search, which has emboldened thugs to carry weapons.

A Labour MP points the finger at organised McMafia-style gangsters from Eastern Europe, especially Albania.

The police are under pressure. The public demands urgent action. So what do they do?

Flood the streets with hundreds of armed officers, patting down any young scrote who might be concealing a blade?

Start rounding up known gang members on some of our more notorious estates and putting the fear of God into them?

Close down the Facebooks, Instagrams and other accounts used by wannabe gang-bangers to pose with shotguns, pistols and machetes and threaten their rivals?

Steam in, mob-handed, to the safe houses of violent foreign criminals, many of them here illegally, suspected of being up to their tattooed necks in violent crime, drugs and people-smuggling?

Er, not as such. Not that anyone has noticed, anyway. Instead, the highest-profile police operation this week involved the arrest of a 78-year-old man on suspicion of murder after the death of a burglar who broke into his home in suburban South London.

Read also:  The Thought Police of the New Revolution by David Robertson, theweeflea
London murders and gang grooming by Iain Dale, Conservative Home

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