UNESCO’s new agenda – destroying children’s innocence

Mar 27, 2018 by

by Karen Harradine, TCW:

UNESCO has updated its Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) policy to include transgenderism. Task forces have already been established to encourage governments to legislate for CSE lessons in schools in a process called ‘scaling up’. This benign phrase hides the sinister intent behind this agenda. The more positive aspects of CSE, such as critiques of FGM and discrimination against girls in developing countries, are debased by teaching children as young as five about transgenderism.

The CSE document consists of detailed lesson plans with headings such as ‘Promote Transgender Ideology and Respect for Diverse Gender Identities’. Respect for sexual equality is undermined by the obsessive championing of transgenderism – activists are pushing women and girls out of female spaces such as bathrooms, swimming pools and politics.

Not only is the transgender movement anti-science in its deliberate misunderstanding of the differences between men and women, it also advocates for the precocious sexualisation of children. It is difficult to explain transgenderism without describing sex, sexuality and gender – concepts that pre-pubescent children do not need to confront. But contributors to CSE give it their best shot.

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