Why I’m voting for Brexodus: A revelatory call to quit EU from the former leader of the Church of England

May 15, 2016 by

by George Carey, Mailonline:

I’ve been half expecting an invitation from the spin doctors of Vote Remain to sign a letter by retired churchmen to the newspapers, explaining how Brexit will bring about the coming of the four horsemen of the apocalypse.

Official church bodies have rightly resisted telling Christians how they should vote – the consensus in this country is that religious gerrymandering is wrong – but the fundamental religious impulse is for unity and the fellowship of nations.

Brexit seems to be about division and disintegration so it seems natural that religious leaders should oppose it.

But what if the ‘relationships’ at stake in the EU were bringing about division rather than unity? Because that, reluctantly and sadly, is the view I have come to.

Many Christians seem to believe that our relationship to the EU is analogous to divorce – and Christians don’t divorce do they? But there has never been an absolute prohibition on divorce among Christians.

The Bible allows divorce under certain circumstances and even the most traditional churches have accepted that marriages can die, or can be annulled.

To follow the analogy of marriage and divorce there comes a time when such harm is taking place within the marriage that there is no choice but to end it.

But of course, the relationship with the EU is not a marriage. It is a treaty which can be replaced by a better treaty.

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