With Liberty and Prophylactics for All…

Jun 25, 2016 by

by Tony Perkins, FRC:

Most of the Left’s “solutions” are actually problems waiting to be unwrapped. Comprehensive sex education is one such “solution.” Twenty-five years into the “if-it-feels-good-do-it-with-a-condom” approach, researchers are finding that “safe” sex is anything but. In fact, the approach championed by everyone from Planned Parenthood to President Obama actually made the situation worse. In one of the most important studies in a generation, Notre Dame experts have just finished what they call “The Incidental Fertility Effects of School Condom Distribution Programs” — a sweeping look at the condom-pushing school programs of the 1990s. And the results aren’t exactly glowing.

In schools that showered kids with free condoms, the teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease rates climbed. Turns out, pushing contraception on high schoolers may have advertised sex, but it certainly didn’t make it safe. Stunning authors Kasey Buckles and Daniel Hungerman, the team discovered a 10-12 percent bump in teen births and a spike in STDs in districts that pitched condoms. The results were disturbing for a number of reasons — not the least of which is the millions of tax dollars Americans have unwillingly poured down the drain of liberal sex ed (along with the $16 billion a year in STD treatments). Despite what liberals would have you believe, surveys have shown that parents on both sides of the political spectrum (76 percent of Democrats and 87 percent of Republicans) overwhelmingly prefer lessons on risk avoidance over risk reduction.

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