York Minster Dean told support for Pride and Zen Buddhism runs contrary to biblical teaching

Jun 3, 2016 by

from Revd Julian Mann:
Dear Dean Vivienne Faull,
This is respectfully to express serious concern about York Minster’s continuing support for the city’s Pride Festival. This annual civic event supported last year by York Minster celebrates what God’s infallible Word written, the Bible, describes as wrongful sexual relationships. Such relationships must be regarded by Christians as wrong in God’s eyes and to be humbly repented of where necessary because they take place outside of heterosexual marriage, contrary to our Lord Jesus Christ’s teaching for the good of the whole of humanity, as summarised so clearly in Canon B30 – Of Holy Matrimony.
This Canon states that one man-one woman, faithful marriage for life is the God-given context for the ‘hallowing and right direction of the natural instincts and affections’.
Though I minister in Sheffield Diocese as a parish incumbent, the Minster has a vocation to be the mother church of our Northern Province, giving us a positive spiritual lead.
There are as you know from national media coverage grave concerns about the Zen Buddhist meditations within the Minster precincts though not in the Minster itself,  promoted by the Minster’s Canon Chancellor. Such spiritual activity and the religious presuppositions that underlie it run contrary to Article 18 of the Church of England’s 39 Articles of Religion, which states clearly the teaching of Holy Scripture that eternal salvation is to be found only in our Lord Jesus Christ and not in man-made religion.
Please accept this in the constructive spirit in which it is intended.
Yours sincerely,
Julian Mann
The Parish Church of the Ascension,

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