Advent Meditations: Friday 21 December

Dec 21, 2018 by

Dec 21
am: 126
pm: 4,9
Hab 2:1-4 Heb 10:35-11:1  

John 20:24-29

Notes on the Liturgical Feast for Today Feast of St. Thomas the Apostle   – O Oriens  –O Antiphon’s of the Day

Poor Thomas! He made one remark and has been branded as “Doubting Thomas” ever since. But if he doubted, he also believed. He made what is certainly the most explicit statement of faith in the New Testament: “My Lord and My God!” (see John 20:24-28) and, in so expressing his faith, gave Christians a prayer that will be said till the end of time. Perhaps Thomas is identified with the most out of all the Apostles because he embodied weakness and lack of understanding. Some would argue that it is in our human weakness that we learn through humility that holiness is a gift of God, not a human creation. It is given to ordinary men and women with weaknesses; it is God who gradually transforms the weaknesses into the image of Christ, the courageous, trusting and loving one. Are we ready this last week of Advent to allow God to do that in our lives? Transform our frailty to faith and our distraction to dedication?

wondrous story of our redemption, the splendid differentiation of God’s ordained servants — and lastly, the condition of our own souls.


Biblical Meditation :  Saint Thomas the one nicknamed “doubting Thomas.” Some love Thomas because of his doubt. He seems more down to earth, approachable, and similar to us; like Peter. Thomas’ doubt gives doubters hope.

The Gospel today reminds us that people of faith are not immune from doubt. Doubt has always been as much a part of the journey of faith as belief; and Thomas does not hide from this. Think about it,he has seen his beloved teacher and Lord broken and crushed. At first glance, there is good reason for Thomas to doubt that God is really up to much of anything that matters. People in Advent wh have experienced loss due to the changes and chances of this life are often in the very same place as St. Thomas. It is all rather overwhelming. But Thomas persevered and worked through this Dark Night. It is not always easy that is why you have the icrease of the observations of what is known as Blue Christmas for those who doubt the hope and promise that the message of Christ brings because of loss and pain. Thomas reminds us that doubt can be virtuous, because it is honest and open to wat God can do .

PRAYER:  Ever living God, who didst strengthen thy apostle Thomas with firm and certain faith in thy Son’s resurrection: Grant us so perfectly and without doubt to believe in Jesus Christ, our Lord and our God, that our faith may never be found wanting in thy sight; through him who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen..  

Spiritual Discipline /Activity Thomas is the Patron Saint of India and so dining on Indian food is a good way to commemorate the feast day..= Additionally as this is the day many parishes observe Blue Christmas observations, consider taking someone you know and care about who is struggling with these holy days to such a liturgy in your area.  Sample Liturgy can be found at

Ancient Words/Present Grace: “Thomas’ lack of faith did more for our faith, than did the faith of the disciples who believed.. –   Gregory the Great, Bishop of Rome, Theologian and Reformer.  

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