After the Queen…?

Sep 29, 2022 by

The Queen’s death and the future of faith and monarchy:


For some, there is cause for optimism – the UK remains a Christian country

Elizabeth the Good: Editorial from The Critic

A time for Anglican Royalism, by Laudable Practice, The Critic: The funeral provided “recognition of how…a vision of sacral monarchy was integral to Anglicanism.”

Cranmer’s Collect, the Christian voice of hope, by Julian Mann, TCW:
“Paul’s teaching as reflected in Cranmer’s Collect [recited at the Queen’s Funeral] reminds Christians that they should view death very differently from the non-Christian world around them.”

Cherish and respect our Christian roots, by Romy Cerratti, TCW:
“Surprisingly, it has been two people who have previously threatened the status of Christianity in the UK, Archbishop Welby and King Charles, who have eloquently reminded us of why our nation must remain a Christian one.”

Britain is yearning for traditional Christianity, by Madeleine Grant, Telegraph

The role of Christianity in British coronations, by Martyn Whittock, Christian Today

Thank God for Elizabeth II, whose reign kept tyranny at bay, by Jordan Peterson, Telegraph:
Freedom under a symbolic monarch, guided by a distributed system of government, is a gift from Britain to the world.

King pledges to defend freedom of religion, by Archbishop Cranmer: “The media headlines and chatter are wrong…. King Charles III has not pledged “to protect all faiths”.


For others, the funeral remembered a Christian Queen; but in a secularising country and with an uncertain future

Defender of the Faith or defender of faith? from Voice for Justice UK: We all agree that the state should promote multi-faith tolerance, but will King Charles uphold biblical Christianity as the state religion?

Playing nice to all religions may be wishful thinking, by Gavin Ashenden, Sunday Times

The future of religion in Britain: a rise in Islam as Christianity declines. And then there’s magic …by Ruth Peacock, Religion Media Centre:
Professor Linda Woodhead, speaking at a lecture in London, gave the context to the 2021 census results on religion, which are due to be published next month or in November.

Will the progressives censor the Bible? by Julian Mann, TCW:
IF KING Charles III is presented with a Bible at his Coronation, as his mother was at hers in 1953 as ‘the most valuable thing which the world affords’, he would get the full King James version. But for how much longer will uncensored Bibles be allowed in the United Kingdom?

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