America’s creation of the transgender child

Apr 6, 2021 by

by Josephine Bartosch, The Post Millennial:

As a cynical Brit, I admire the US can-do attitude. The American dream, the idea that people can be anything they want, is liberating and wonderful. But it has a downside. The idea of the self-made man or woman is taken very literally in the US, and accordingly a lucrative market for those who wish to change sex is booming.
This is no-longer just the preserve of adults; over the past decade a linguistic shift from “transexual” to “transgender” has de-sexed what had previously been considered an adult psychosexual disorder. The modification of bodies to fit a stated sense of “gender identity” now extends to children. Thus, with sleight of language, a puff of glitter and injection of hormones, unto the US the “transgender child” was born. Rejoice!
From child size prosthetic penises to fit into underwear, to the multi-million-dollar franchise spawned by hit-reality tv shows like I am Jazz, the transgender child industry has outstripped policy—leaving legislators struggling to keep up. One might imagine the locus of concern would be the ethics of medicating and operating on children physically to alleviate mental distress, but it is the impact on sport which has captured the public imagination.Read here

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