Anglican Battle Lines Drawn in Europe

Dec 28, 2020 by

by David Virtue, Virtueonline:

AS the Anglican Communion slowly devolves into two separate communions with new orthodox branches established in the US, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Scotland and Ireland under the aegis of GAFCON, new lines are being drawn in Europe heightening the growing schism in the Anglican Communion.

While African Anglican evangelical leaders have said there will be no formal schism, (they can wait out the demise of western Anglicanism,) there is the reality that Europe needs a full-blown orthodox response to the influence of The Episcopal Church.

The Living Church recently headlined news that four Anglican Church bodies in continental Europe would form a tighter bond electing new bishops and appointing clergy to serve in their geographically overlapping jurisdictions.

On December 15, the bishops of the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe (also called the Episcopal Church in Europe), the Church of England’s Diocese of Gibraltar in Europe (also called the Diocese in Europe), the Spanish Reformed Episcopal Church and the Lusitanian Catholic Apostolic Evangelical Church authorized and released the Porto Covenant. This is a statement of mutual commitment that was drafted during talks in the Portuguese city in 2006 and refined through additional conversations hosted by the Archbishop of Canterbury.

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