Anglican conservatives rally support for traditionalists with online letter

Jul 26, 2017 by

by Mark Woods, Christian Today:

Conservative Anglicans have begun gathering support for a ‘Movement for a Renewed Orthodox Anglicanism’ following the publication of a letter complaining of the treatment of traditionalists and warning the Church of England may split over sexuality issues.

The letter published in the Daily Telegraph was signed by senior figures including the former Bishop of Rochester, Michael Nazir-Ali, and the former Queen’s Chaplain, Rev Dr Gavin Ashenden.

It is now available online and more signatures have been added.

The letter said decisions by the General Synod – the Church of England’s equivalent to a parliament – on issues connected with human sexuality had caused ‘great concern’ among Anglicans: ‘There are times, particularly in the face of social disintegration, when it is the duty of the Church to be counter-cultural.’

The letter adds that the ‘booing of traditionalists’ and the ‘personal abuse’ that they endured at the synod had ‘deepened mistrust’ between the two camps.

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