Ann Furedi’s debate with former Planned Parenthood worker shows the true face of the abortion industry

Feb 21, 2019 by

from SPUC:

She said she “struggles” with why infanticide is not the same as late term abortion 

Sue Thayer was the manager of a Planned Parenthood centre in Iowa for almost 18 years. After a remarkable conversion experience, she led the first ever 40 Days for Life campaign in her town -outside the centre she used to work for.

As someone who knows the abortion industry from the inside, Sue Thayer is a powerful voice in the pro-life movement. Now the Director of Outreach at 40 Days for Life, she recently travelled to England – and debated Ann Furedi, the head of Britain’s largest abortion provider.

Ann Furedi has always been an unapologetic advocate of the most extreme pro-abortion position – – a stance with is both strikingly blunt and disturbing. This debate, which was hosted by Premier Christian Radio, straightforwardly reveals what horrific things you have to support if you follow pro-choice arguments to their logical conclusion.

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