Archbishop Welby on white, male, straight advantage. His lament and solution

Feb 21, 2020 by

by Wallace Henley, Christian Post:

“I have white advantage, male advantage, straight advantage,” Anglican Archbishop Justin Welby recently told the Church of England’s General Synod.

The leader of the Anglican Church spoke as the Synod readied for an important vote to apologize “for the conscious and unconscious racism experienced by countless black, Asian and minority ethnic Anglicans in 1948 and subsequent years.”[1]

But Welby was disturbed by what he described as racism continuing in the Church. The Archbishop of Canterbury told his audience that “there is no doubt when we look at our own Church that we are still institutionally racist.”

While they’re at it, the Anglican leaders should “lament and apologize” to African and Asian Anglican leaders for trying to force on them a theology of sex and marriage the nonwhites see as violating the Scriptures and ignoring their concerns.

A good way of curing the “whiteness” over which Archbishop Welby is so ashamed is to take seriously the nonwhite bishops who serve the Church globally, beyond England, with its trendy waves of politically correct faith and practice.

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