As child-on-child sex abuse soars, evil is destroying our children

Sep 13, 2021 by

by Lynda Rose, Christian Today:

What a surprise! In the two years preceding lockdown ⎼ at which point children along with the rest of the population were confined to barracks ⎼ child-on-child sex abuse cases reportedly doubled, with 10% of cases carried out by children aged 10 or under.

To be precise, from 2016 to 2017, the number of cases reported to the police was 7,866. Between 2018 and 2019, the number had risen to 16,102. Between 2020 and 2021, bearing in mind that schools were largely closed due to lockdown, the number was 10,861. Had they been open and functioning normally, it is without doubt that the number would have been far higher.

But, of course, this isn’t really a surprise at all. After all, the Everyone’s Invited website, set up in June 2020 by Soma Sara so that survivors could anonymously share their experience of sexual assault or abuse at school or university, had by March this year attracted over 51,000 testimonies. Which means, at a conservative estimate, that no matter how many offences are now being reported to the police, the vast majority are still going unreported. This is borne out perhaps by Soma herself, who – reportedly surprised at the volume of stories – says she hopes it will lead to the exposure and eradication of ‘rape culture’.

Rape culture!?! Is that really the climate she sees in our schools? The growing body of evidence now coming to light would suggest she’s spot on. So actually, this latest revelation by the police of the staggering rise in child-on-child sexual abuse, apparently occasioning public dismay, was and is entirely predictable.

The scandal, in real terms, is that we’re still doing nothing to address the problem ⎼ beyond a bleating reaffirmation by Ofsted of the need for more sex education, apparently so that children know the boundaries.

Read here

Read also: Reports of sex abuse between children double in two years from BBC Panorama

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