Ligon Duncan on U.S. Theological Education Today

Jul 20, 2024 by

Sarah Stewart, Juicy Ecumenism. Reformed Theological Seminary Chancellor Ligon Duncan visited the Institute on Religion & Democracy on July 11 to review the state of U.S. theological education today. Viewers may access video of...

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How Tech Tempts Us to ‘Play God’ with Birth and Death

Jul 20, 2024 by

By Brett McCracken, TGC. The beginning and ending of a life are the most sacred moments in existence. They’re mysterious miracles. God’s domain. A soul is born out of a void of nothingness and begins a story of being. And at the moment of...

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Meeting of the House of Bishops – July 2024

Jul 19, 2024 by

Press Release, Church of England Media Centre. The House of Bishops convened online on 15 July. The House discussed the next steps for the LLF process following the motion passed by the General Synod earlier in the month, including plans...

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Where Loss Leads: Why Grieving People Need a Theology of Giving

Jul 19, 2024 by

By Pierce Taylor Hibbs, TGC. “Where do they go?” the young woman asked as she stared at the coal-black eyes of a dead horse lying in a stable. That “threshold question,” uttered by actress Claire Danes as she portrayed Temple Grandin in...

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EU economic deal pushes ‘secularistic ideologies’ on Africa, Nigerian bishops warn

Jul 18, 2024 by

By Ngala Killian Chimtom, from Catholic Herald. Catholic bishops in Nigeria are calling for changes to an economic cooperation agreement between the EU and Africa, claiming it could force African nations to adopt policies on sexuality,...

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The Gift of Prison Ministry

Jul 18, 2024 by

By Justin Karl, TGC. One of the first people I met while visiting Alabama prisons was Robert, a kind man with a wide, easy smile. We bonded over college football and quickly discovered my current home and his family’s home are about two...

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