Better Dead Citizens Than ‘Islamophobia’

Mar 13, 2020 by

by Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch:

Two people were murdered in Melbourne, but the authorities have NO idea what motivated Mohammed Ibrahim to do it! A stabbing spree in Brisbane by an Afghani, but authorities have NO idea why it happened. But they are absolutely certain that these two were lone wolves with mental health issues, and they had nothing to do with Islam or terrorism.

This IS the official narrative and it will NOT be deviated from. No matter how many Muslims go on killing sprees in Australia, we will be given only one line: police have no idea what the motivations are, he acted alone, and he was mentally unwell.

This WILL be the official line now and for evermore. Whatever we do, we must not mention the I word, the M word, or the T word. If you are in the dark on those three, let me spell them out; Islam. Muslim. Terrorism. These are now three sacred words that can never be uttered by the powers that be. These terms will never come from the lips of a government official or media lackey.

It is pretty clear that the decision has been made: it is far, far better to see various innocent men, women and children murdered on our streets than to do anything that might offend Muslims. The ‘Islam is a religion of peace’ mantra must now be proclaimed and maintained at all costs. So what if dozens of innocent Australians are murdered? Islam must be protected no matter what.

That is now official doctrine in Australia and the West. There will be no other narrative allowed. Facts and evidence will not be allowed to get in the way. Now the only thing that matters is to protect Islam and its reputation. Murdered innocents and blood on the streets are just part of the price we will have to pay for this.

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