‘Between Caliphate And Dictatorship’

Apr 17, 2024 by

By Rod Dreher, Substack.

This is Europe, this is what liberty and democracy are like in Brussels, capital of the European Union.

What a day this has been. I never imagined that I would witness the banning of a peaceful political meeting in a supposedly free and democratic country. But that’s what nearly happened today in Belgium — in Brussels, the capital of the European Union.

I say “nearly,” because despite the attempts by the municipal government, aided by the police and urged on by Antifa, the National Conservatism conference went on, though in a much constrained fashion. After having two venues cancel on us at the last minute, under pressure by both the mayor of Brussels, and two district mayors, police entered the Claridge event space with the intention of shutting the meeting down.

They were greeted by a wall of TV cameras from press covering the event, and apparently thought better of it. What they did was to station themselves outside the doors (see photo above), and to refuse to let people enter. If you left the building for any reason at all, you were not allowed back in. They were clearly hoping to choke off the event without staging a spectacle that would be beamed around the world by the gathered media.

Eric Zemmour, who ran for president of France, was refused entrance.

Cardinal Gerhard Müller of Germany, former prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, would almost certainly have been refused entry too, but somehow, he managed to sneak into the building.

Read here.

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