Beware the Promises of Politicians

Jun 18, 2018 by

by David Robertson, theweeflea:

People have always been cynical and somewhat dismissive about the promises of politicians – sometimes with good reason.  Such cynicism however creates real problems in a democracy and opens the door to the kind of disillusionment that feeds more extreme forces.

But there is one area where politicians in the UK government and the Scottish government (and also the US and Australian governments).  Whenever a social change is suggested the same pattern is followed.

  1. Campaigners argue for a ‘permissive’ change which is passed in the name of ‘tolerance and diversity’.
  2. After the law is passed within a few years it becomes a declarative change – showing what a tolerant and diverse nation we are.
  3. To criticise the new law itself becomes illegal (still done in the name of tolerance and diversity)

One example of this came this week from the Coalition for Marriage:

Read here


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