Born gay? Sam Salter: ‘Finding my true identity’

Jun 28, 2021 by

by Rebekah Moffett, Christian Concern:

Since first sharing his story of finding freedom from homosexual desires with X-Out-Loud Europe, Sam Salter has been vocal about his experiences of what others label ‘conversion therapy’ and the need not to ban it.

Less than three years ago, Sam was in a relationship with another man, believing he’d been ‘born gay’ and – at least on the surface, he tells me – quite happy with the life he was living. So how does an educated, 30-year-old man, quite happy in a homosexual relationship, go from believing he was ‘born that way’ to seeking counselling and therapy for unwanted sexual desires?

“Often, the idea of change freaks the LGBT crowd out – because it is an identity thing,” he says. But there is no denying that Sam is a completely different person, with a completely different identity now to the one he’d assumed three years ago.

‘Set up for homosexuality’

“I used to assume I was ‘born gay’ because I knew from a young age that I was different, and as soon as I understood the word ‘gay’, I knew it applied to me,” Sam explains.

Yet initially, Sam came out tentatively as bisexual at the age of 15, saying he was also romantically attracted to girls at that point. “But I put that on the backburner,” he jokes.

He now believes that a “chain of events” in his childhood set him up for “becoming homosexual” – that growing up in the environment he did led him to assume a homosexual identity.

Read here

See also: Does God Still Love Me If I’m Gay? by Sam Allberry, The Gospel Coalition

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