‘But “Homosexuality” is Not in the Bible!’

Jun 17, 2019 by

by Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch:

As soon as Adam and Eve disobeyed God, the excuse-making began. And it has been that way ever since. Sinners who love their sin will do everything they can to try to convince themselves and others that their sin is not actually sinful.

Every lousy trick in the book is pulled out to justify, excuse and sanitise sin. The Devil is a specialist in all this, and he is a seasoned expert in deceiving millions of people. Indeed, consider the very first recorded words of Satan found in Scripture: “Did God really say…?” (Genesis 3:1).

That has ever been his strategy: getting folks to question God and his word. We see this perfectly illustrated when it comes to the issue of homosexuality. The Bible is 100 per cent clear that this is sin – end of story. But every idiotic and deceptive attempt has been made to try to convince us otherwise.

One of the most sophomoric and just plain laughable attempts is when the pro-gay activist tries to tell you that the word ‘homosexual’ is not really in the Bible. The sheer stupidity and full-on Scripture-twisting found here should be evident to anyone with half a brain.

Of course we fully expect Christophobes, atheists, secular humanists, and homosexual activists to push this sort of nonsense. But what we DON’T expect is when people who claim to be Christians do the very same thing. Whether completely brainless or just plain satanically deceived, I have heard this one being whipped out by those who pretend to be Christians far too often.

As just one example, consider this discussion from a few years ago on the social media. It was a debate I saw between a sin-defender, or Theological Revisionist (TR), and or God-defender, or Biblical Christian (BC):

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