Can going gay really help solve climate change?

Nov 25, 2024 by

by Steven Tucker, Mercator:

The last time homosexuality was directly related to acts of mass meteorological destruction was at Sodom and Gomorrah. Today, it’s quite the reverse. In Anno Domini 2024, far from queers causing natural disasters, they have now somehow become the only viable means of preventing them … or at least so certain of their more extreme and deluded number have recently started to say. After the CO₂-fuelled rainshower, there always comes the healing gay rainbow, supposedly.

Homosexuals do manage to hold some very strange positions these days, on public policy as well as in certain other respects. I recently wrote a piece elsewhere about pending global population decline, in which I mentioned a writer named G. Roger Denson, who honestly thought human homosexuality was Nature’s automatic climate self-defence mechanism against looming catastrophe. The more CO₂ in the atmosphere, the more gays were born, he theorised, meaning fewer babies in the next generation, anal impregnation being by definition impossible, thus lessening subsequent global overpollution from overpopulation. Denson produced the following Shakespearean-tinged meme by way of an actual illustrative policy suggestion:

I choose “not to gay”, thanks. Some people say “global boiling” is an imaginary problem. Not as imaginary as some of the proposed solutions to it.

Queering our sphere

It should go without saying that homosexuality has absolutely Net Zero to do with climate science. It should go without saying, but certain of the more militantly identitarian queers out there appear determined to make absolutely everything about queerness (or, more accurately, about themselves) these days. Ordinary, mentally normal homosexuals must shake their heads in despair at these zealots, in fear of being tarred with the same loony brush.

Sadly, these people are no longer just lone fringe nuts, but have systematically infiltrated many of the West’s (formerly) respectable political, academic, and scientific institutions, a case in point being the International Institute for Environment and Development think-tank. A characteristically stupid gay-pandering piece on the IIED website, “Queering Climate Justice”, argues that “colonialism and capitalism” are the true main driving forces behind the allegedly unfolding  CO₂-fuelled destruction of our planet, Communism clearly having an impeccable past record when it comes to environmental matters, as at Chernobyl.

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