Can the forces of the Sexual Revolution be stopped or will they crush all freedom?

Jan 8, 2020 by

by Jonathon Van Maren, LifeSite:

Politics is downstream from culture, and nearly every day now there’s another story detailing another victory achieved by trans activists against the biological reality of the ‘binary.’

Between her apparently dazzling appearance at the Golden Globes and the Oscar buzz surrounding her film Bombshell, which deals with the culture of sexual harassment at FOX News, Charlize Theron appears to be having something of a moment. That, and her decision to raise her son Jackson as a girl after he declared, at age three, that he was “not a boy” has made her quite a hit with the LGBT movement.

As I noted last year, Theron’s decision isn’t just yet another case of hedonistic Hollywood’s devotion to the sexual fringe. With her very public endorsement of the idea that a child can choose his or her own gender from a very early age and the accompanying chronicle of her adopted child’s life with Theron being played out in the press, Theron—like Prince Harry and Meghan Markle—can make far more of an impact in her support of this dangerous new ideology.

In a recent interview with PrideSource, Theron went even further in her support for the LGBTQ movement’s radical agenda. After accepting praise for her lifetime of advocacy and the numerous LGBT characters featured in Bombshell (including a “queer Christian producer”), Theron admitted that she thought it was “a little bit of a bummer” that “I am straight.” That, and even she finds it hard to wrap her head around the whole “raising a transgender child” idea, despite the fact that she is an unqualified supporter of the LGBT movement’s view of gender dysphoria (that it should be affirmed and encouraged).

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