Catholic Church Turning Into Dante’s Inferno

Jan 16, 2024 by

By Hélène de Lauzun, European Conservative.

The Catholic Church has entered a turbulent period since its own doctrine office published a document permitting the blessing of same-sex couples in certain circumstances.

Opposition to the doctrinal letter, named Fiducia Supplicans, is multiplying throughout the world. The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF), which issued the document, has also been further weakened by a scandal involving Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández who heads it, after the discovery of a book published in 1998 by the Cardinal, the contents of which are pornographic.

The days following the publication of the papal document were marked by an international rebellion: many individual bishops and several national bishops’ conferences expressed reservations about blessing same-sex couples, and even banned it in their dioceses.

Faced with the extent of the opposition, the Vatican was forced to publish a clarifying text on January 4th, recognising the possibility for bishops to decide whether or not to apply Fiducia Supplicans in the parishes under their authority. The communiqué considers the reactions of certain bishops’ conferences to be “understandable,” but does not admit that there could be any “doctrinal opposition,” since the traditional doctrine on marriage is said to remain unchanged.

The clarification text blames the opposition expressed by some prelates on the particular situation of certain countries (mainly in Africa) and asks that time be allowed to run its course. This type of argument was also used at the time of the promulgation of the document Traditionis Custodes aimed at drastically restricting access to the traditional Latin Mass: It would only be a matter of time and changing mentalities before everyone everywhere applies the document—a biased approach that refuses to see the root of the problem. It’s not a matter of time, it is a matter of faith.

The terms used by opponents of the doctrinal text Fiducia Supplicans have been particularly strong: several bishops have not hesitated to speak of ‘blasphemy’ or ‘heresy.’ Cardinal Robert Sarah, known in the Catholic world for his conservative positions, in his Christmas message of 6 January 2024 explicitly condemned the document as “a heresy that gravely undermines the Church, the Body of Christ, because it is contrary to the Catholic faith and Tradition.” With these unequivocal words, he shows his support for the Catholic communities of Africa, which he feels are too often disregarded by the elites of the Vatican.

Read here.

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