CFC Strongly Opposes ACA 5’s Effort to Abolish Marriage Definition Amid the Growing Recognition of Polyamorous Relationships
From:California Family Council. (Editor’s note: Famous last words are: “It can’t happen here”!)
Recent actions by the cities of Berkeley and Oakland to recognize polyamorous relationships highlight the potential fallout of ACA 5. If ACA 5 is approved, it is likely that similar policies will spread across the state, fundamentally altering the social fabric and posing significant risks to the well-being of families and children. As reported by NPR on May 31, 2024, the recognition of polyamorous relationships in these cities sets a dangerous precedent that could lead to the normalization of polygamy, child marriage, and incestuous relationships.
“We are deeply concerned about the implications of ACA 5 for families and children in California,” stated Jonathan Keller, President of California Family Council. “The absence of any clear definition of marriage is alarming and paves the way for the legalization of polygamy, child marriage, and incestuous relationships. Stable, traditional marriages are vital for the well-being of children and society.”
Protecting the Best Interests of Children
By abolishing the historic definition of marriage and replacing it with an open-ended constitutional “right to marry,” ACA 5 opens the floodgates to disaster. Without clear boundaries limiting age, genetic relationship, or the number of partners in a marriage, this proposition threatens the stability of family life and the well-being of children.
“We firmly believe that California’s public policy should best support the health and stability of families, particularly the well-being of children,” Keller said. “Studies consistently show that the traditional family structure is the most effective model for raising healthy and well-adjusted children.”
A Call to Action
Tragically, this latest initiative centers family life around the desires of adults rather than the rights of children. The California Family Council urges citizens and policymakers to stand against the normalization of polygamy, child marriage, and incestuous relationships by upholding the historical definition of marriage. It is crucial to prioritize the best interests of children and the future of society.
See also: Polyamorous Families are Protected in Oakland California