Church’s new charter on RSE ‘flawed’ say conservative Anglicans

Dec 5, 2019 by

THE CHURCH’S new Charter has angered conservatives, who say that the approach of the Church of England is ‘flawed’. Lynda Rose, the CEO Voice for Justice UK, told us: “If the people responsible for Church of England policy think that they are being faithful to God, they are deluding themselves.

“The truth is they have been beguiled by the propaganda of those seeking to promote an ideological agenda which rejects the teaching of the Bible and traditional morality and, as a result, they are betraying their trust to be faithful shepherds of the people, charged with leading the flock into the ways of righteousness and truth. They are betraying their charge to care for, and nurture, children.”

She acknowledged that bullying ‘wrecks lives’ and that every school should have an anti-bullying policy in place. “But the focus on anti-bullying policies – designed almost exclusively to protect LGBT pupils, who at most account for only 4 per cent of reported incidents – is misplaced and disproportionate.

“Similarly, the promotion of diversity in the Relationships, Sex and Health Education Guidance is ill-conceived. Both documents not just ignore children’s wider needs, but become in themselves justification for abuse.”

Andrea Williams, the chief executive of Christian Concern and a member of the Church of England General Synod, said the new Charter ‘capitulates to the spirit of the age as, for example, expressed in statute by the Equality Act’.

She said the new Charter “fails to protect teachers, governors and children who wish to state and uphold the Church’s own teaching on marriage and family. “It also represents a missed opportunity to bring the good news of God’s purposes and pattern for human relationships to the confused and toxic environment in which the one million children they are responsible for are having to grow up.”

Church of England Newspaper December 5 Read here

Read the full response to the Charter here


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