‘Community Hits Back’ – The Pride Intimidation Begins…

Aug 17, 2018 by

by David Robertson, theweeflea:

That didn’t take long.  It’s not unexpected but nonetheless disappointing that the reaction to my comments about Perth Pride  from the LGBT propaganda machine have been so vitriolic.   One example is this article from Pink Saltire.  Of course given the source I was hardly expecting it to be unbiased or a fair analysis but what it reveals is depressing.  Note the methodology used that has now become the standard response to anyone who dares to question the philosophy and ethics of the LGBTQ movement.

Step 1 –  accuse anyone who disagrees with you of hatred…..

It doesn’t matter whether they have said anything hateful, or encouraged any hateful acts – the mere fact that they have disagreed with you is hate speech.  After all you have said ‘love is love’.  They disagree with you- therefore they must be against love.  Simples! It’s not very rational and it’s not very intelligent – but in todays dumbed down culture it works.

His hatred is claimed in the name of God yet any scripture denounces hate of anyone. There are definitely more bible verses on hypocrisy than anything relating to LGBT+”.  Perthshire Pride

I’m not sure that Perthshire Pride understand what either hypocrisy or love is.  It would be hypocritical of me as a Christian minister not to teach what Christ teaches.  And the premise of their accusation is false.  I don’t hate anyone.    In fact it’s precisely because I love people that I want to save them from a philosophy which only causes harm.

Many Christians back off at this stage, quite simply because they genuinely don’t want to be considered unloving or speak hatred or encourage hatred.   They don’t stop to think whether it is true or not!  This is also true of step two.

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