Complaint over charity status of ‘gay conversion’ group Core Issues Trust in Northern Ireland

May 13, 2020 by

by Mark Bain, Belfast Telegraph:

The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland has been urged to review the charitable status of Core Issues Trust, a Christian organisation which campaigners claim promotes “conversion therapy” for gay people.

The National Secular Society (NSS) has written to chief charity commissioner Nicole Lappin, Communities Minister Deirdre Hargey and Health Minister Robin Swann over the issue.

In its letter, the NSS wrote: “Given that this practice can cause individuals significant mental health issues and harms society by reinforcing stigmas against LGBT+ people, we believe a clear tension exists between the public benefit requirement and the promotion of ‘conversion therapy’.

“Organisations that serve no clear public benefit – or worse, cause harm by actively promoting ‘conversion therapy’ – risk fundamentally undermining public confidence in the charitable sector.”

The society added that a provision which makes “the advancement of religion” a charitable purpose should be re-evaluated.

NSS chief executive Stephen Evans said: “Bogus therapies which encourage people to change or suppress their sexuality are harmful and widely discredited. Those promoting them shouldn’t enjoy the tax breaks and public recognition that charitable status brings.”

The Charity Commission said the letter will be considered in detail.

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