Covid-19 and trans healthcare provision

May 4, 2020 by

from Transgender Trend:

[…]  We were concerned because, without professional advice, young people were left with only the support being offered by activist groups, who are unqualified to offer medical advice. In the case of a child suddenly unable to get their first appointment for puberty blockers, it is hard to know what kind of ‘support’ would be appropriate from organisations who have previously spread the message that medical suppression of puberty is ‘life-saving.’ This narrative has made the current situation more difficult than it may have otherwise been for children and parents, who have been led to believe that there are only two options: medical intervention or increased suicide risk.

Perhaps this is why the GIDS Covid-19 page does not offer links to any of the transgender youth support charities such as Mermaids or Gendered Intelligence. Nor do these organisations provide links back to GIDS. It seems odd that if you campaign for earlier medicalisation for children you don’t think to link to the advice page from the clinic that provides it. A crisis can bring people together but in this case it seems to have divided support into two distinct camps, and the difference between them is perhaps most starkly illustrated by looking at who has an ‘escape’ button on their site and who doesn’t.

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