Dear Lord, Can I Have a Word? A Letter from a Contemporary Clergyman…

Feb 23, 2020 by

by David Robertson, Christian Today:

Can I have a word – about your word? I’m a humble clergy person who seeks to apply your teaching to today’s world. I want to spread the message of your love and grace – you know the formula. I don’t have much time for the Old Testament (except for the good bits) and Paul can at times be a bit off-putting. At least that was the case until I read my old friend Steve telling us that he had discovered the ‘lost message of Paul’. It was wonderful – just what we wanted it to be! I used to be one of those Bible fundamentalists, but thankfully I saw the light and have for many years believed what Steve calls your ‘lost message’. I enjoy being one of the in-crowd, knowing what you really meant.

But I have a problem. I thought I would be safe with the Gospels, so the other day I sat down to read the best bit – the Sermon on the Mount (we prefer to call it ‘the chat on the hillside’ – so much more accessible and non-judgemental, don’t you think?). All that stuff about blessed are the poor, love your enemies, do not judge. Wonderful. We cite it often.

I hadn’t really read it for a while, and when I hear it read in church I don’t really hear it – the words are like water off a ducks back. But these past few days I did actually read it. And to be honest, it’s a bit shocking. Like, I mean genuinely shocking – not shocking in the way that we speak on ‘Thought for the Day’ – you know, our ‘thoughts’ about the ‘revolutionary message of Jesus’ – which is always so nice and comfortable.

So if you don’t mind, I thought I would offer you a critique, a few questions and perhaps a wee word of advice on how you could communicate in the 21st century so much better. I don’t blame you, given that you were limited to 1st century Palestine I wouldn’t expect you to have the tools of scholarship and the knowledge that we now have – even the Son of God has limits! So let’s have a look at the first chapter – Matthew ch.5.

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