Desperate Christians in Myanmar jungles

Apr 16, 2021 by

from Barnabas Fund:

There are estimated to be 20,000 newly displaced ethnic Karen people hiding in the jungles of Myanmar, amongst whom are many Christians. Some are constantly on the move, shifting every day or two when they hear the Myanmar army approaching. Others have buried themselves so deep in the jungle that our partners have to search for them with drones.

The early months of 2021 have been a time of horror for the Karen people, marked by a huge upsurge in violence by the Myanmar armed forces. Firing mortars at villages, fields and even into the jungle, the military are forcing the terrified villagers out of their homes and deeper into the jungle, so they cannot tend their crops or animals.

The last weekend in March saw a fresh wave of airstrikes on the Karen people.

“Now we are here in this place and trying to survive,” explained a Karen widow “Paula” to Barnabas Fund’s partners. Her husband died when he trod on a landmine 16 years ago, leaving Paula with three children and a baby. It was through the intense sorrow of her bereavement that Paula (now 56) came to know and love the Lord Jesus.

She has been on the move for the last two years, trying to find safety from the increasing army attacks.

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