Does sex matter? What is it for?
by Ian Paul, Psephizo:
In 2017, I was invited to a church in Hull to do a morning’s teaching giving an overview of what the Bible said about sex. It was fascinating to have to offer such an overview—not least because it made me realise how important this is, and how rarely it is done. I turned this into two articles on this blog on the biblical understanding of sexuality, and continued to teach the material.
Last week I published a Grove booklet, developing this teaching as a pastoral theology of sexuality, which you can buy here (post-free in the UK, or as an electronic text). I offer here the first chapter and the beginning of the second as a taster. The next chapters of the booklet set out what I think are the eight affirmations of what Scripture tells us about sex—beginning where we should with understanding it as a good gift from God in his creation plan.