Drag queen shows in churches are desecrating holy places. This blasphemy must stop

Mar 11, 2023 by

by Caroline Farrow, Premier Christianity:

Over the past few years, the label ‘troll’, which was once used to describe a community disruptor or someone who derives enjoyment from whipping up hostility, drama and conflict online, has been liberally applied to anyone who dares to express an opinion contrary to the accepted status quo.

Thus it was an article appeared in the Basildon and Southend Echo, complaining about the “trolls” who had “viciously targeted” St Mark’s CofE church in Southend after they posted photographs online of children sat in the pews, “enjoying an age-appropriate drag queen event”.

Anyone outraged by the oxymoronic notion that a drag queen is age-appropriate entertainment for children and/or that a place of worship is a fitting venue to hold such an event, is, according to our intrepid online reporter, a bad-faith “conspiracy theorist”.

Innocent comedy or indoctrination?

Promoters of drag like to claim that it is nothing more than the practice of men dressing up as women for the purposes of entertainment, harking back to the traditions of pantomime dames or popular entertainers such as Les Dawson.

If we were to play devil’s advocate and accept that argument, it still does not explain the constant drive to ensure that children are exposed to drag performances under the aegis of tolerance.

If drag is nothing more than an innocent form of comedy, why are LGBT lobby groups and activists so keen to promote and introduce it to children? And moreover, why is it thought appropriate to turn a church into a secular playhouse for the purposes of public entertainment?

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