Dragging The Church Of England To Extinction

Mar 6, 2023 by

By Rod Dreher, American Conservative.

What’s going on with a group of heroically woke Anglicans in London? ……

Yeah, well, St. James Piccadilly is super-woke (has been since the 1980s) and super-gay……..

Why would anybody who is serious about the Christian religion trivialize it like this? Who could possibly take this religion seriously? I know gay Christians who would find this kind of thing inappropriate at best, and blasphemous at worst. It’s narcissistic as hell. There’s nothing holy here at all. And drag queens in the church, performing? This is 100 percent a sign that these people aren’t serious about the faith. A bunch of children. W.H. Auden was an Anglican, openly gay, and not chaste, yet it is impossible to imagine a man of his spiritual, artistic, and intellectual seriousness tolerating trivial blasphemy like this. It’s Gay Clown Mass.

The only comfort is knowing that in a decade or two, this church building will be a condominium or a restaurant, and the few English Christians left who actually believe in the God of the Bible will be elsewhere, probably in the unfashionable suburbs, or ethnic neighborhoods.

Read here.

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