Early Christianity, Persecution, and Lessons for Today

Jan 10, 2021 by

by Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch:

What can we learn from persecution in the early church?

Only those with spiritual myopia or who are living in a fantasy world can not see what is happening all around the West: a flood of anti-Christian bigotry and persecution is being unleashed, and we have yet to see just how much worse it will get in the coming days.

As such, I have been writing a lot lately on this issue of persecution, and how believers might respond. A number of those recent articles have been based on the important new book by Rod Dreher. Here is one of those pieces – a review of his must-read volume: billmuehlenberg.com/2020/12/30/a-review-of-live-not-by-lies-by-rod-dreher/

In writing these pieces, one friend has been asking me to recommend some book titles on how the early church dealt with persecution. He is taking these matters seriously, and wants to be as well-equipped as he can be for what lies ahead. Well done Paul for thinking along these lines.

So this article is in part a response to his concerns. I will offer some brief commentary on the situation with the early Christians and then present a recommended reading list at the end of the piece. Let me draw upon two main resources here.

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