Episcopal Bishops hear call to Evangelize even as Church faces Inevitable Demise

Mar 18, 2019 by

by David W Virtue, DD, Virtueonline:

The Episcopal Church’s House of Bishops met in Kanuga, NC this past week in an attempt to put lipstick on a pig.

Michael Curry’s much ballyhooed “way of love”, an advance certainly on Frank Griswold’s Circle Dance of Dispossession, and other Sufi ramblings, saw the HOB get an evangelical wakeup call from two speakers, who would, in times past, have been shown the door, not invited in.

The first was a woman bishop from the African American Methodist Church, whose denominational mandate is “to seek out and save the lost and to serve the needy.” TEC hasn’t saved a soul in decades, but it does have oodles of causes that keep it busy with no mention of seeking and saving anything, except whales, bashing white privileged folk and lots of talk about unidentifiable racists in the Episcopal Church.

“The church at its best is the whatever-it-takes church” and must be “more prophetic than programmatic,” said AME Episcopal Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie, the denomination’s first woman bishop.

Both the culture and the context of church have changed in the 21st century, she said, and what worked in the past does not work now; however, too many churches just do the same old things, maybe with a different name, and hope it brings different results. The church, McKenzie said, has to be “more prophetic than programmatic” and should not be content “to preside over attrition.”

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