Evangelical Alliance: Gov’t needs to do better with including faith groups in coronavirus announcements

Sep 14, 2020 by

from Premier:

The CEO of the UK Evangelical Alliance has said the Government needs to improve the way it handles places of worship when it announces new coronavirus restrictions.

Last Tuesday, the new “rule of six” was announced which means that people cannot meet in more than groups of six indoors or outdoors starting from 14th September. Exceptions mentioned were organised sports, workplaces and education-related gatherings, but there was no mention of religious services.

Galvin Calver told Premier that exclusion has to change.

“We’re not seen as a unique category,” he said. Something gets announced [and says] ‘excluded from this will be organised sports, and will be this and will be this’. There’s no mention of faith groups meeting. I think that’s problematic.”

A day later the Archbishop of Canterbury said after having contact with the Government he could confirm that the “rule of six” did not impact religious services.

Calver told Premier, despite the issues with announcements, the Church’s access to the Government has been better than ever.

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