Even the Green party is shunning Stonewall
by Julie Bindel, Spectator:
Not one major UK government department is still signed up to Stonewall’s Diversity Champions Programme. At long last, Stonewall’s toxic influence on free speech, equality law and government policy is coming to an end.
But the final nail in the coffin has to be the exit of the Green party – which several senior members have been pushing for some time. Without any formal announcement, and decided at its annual conference, the party has disaffiliated from the scheme.
Shahrar Ali recently won his legal case against the Green party for dismissing him as a spokesperson following allegations of transphobia against him. He announced on X that the Greens cite ‘lack of value for money, risk of Green party policy bias and overall consideration of reputational risk’ as the reasons for leaving the Stonewall scheme.
Bearing in mind that the Green party is already as far down the trans rabbit hole as it is possible to go, they really don’t need to pay to be indoctrinated into gender ideology – they can do it perfectly well themselves. But if the Greens are jumping ship, things are as bad as can be.