Exposing the US Equality Act for being misleading

Mar 8, 2022 by

By Robert Netzly, Christian Post:

Undoubtedly, the motivation of businesses signing on to the Human Rights Campaign’s (HRC) Business Coalition for the Equality Act is their desire to support their LGBT employees by creating safe, tolerant, diverse, and inclusive workplaces for all their employees. At Inspire, we seek to invest in companies that are a blessing to all their employees and community and applaud efforts to extend greater care and provisions for all classes. However, the Equality Act is a misleading piece of legislation that purports equality but contains provisions buried deep in its pages that specifically remove protections for women, children, and religious persons.

In our corporate engagement efforts, we have found that those who most defend their acceptance of The Equality Act are those who are most ignorant to what it actually contains.  But perhaps what’s even worse are those who acknowledge the risks but stay affiliated because it’s what their competitors are doing.

Under the H.R.5 Equality Actthe Civil Rights Act of 1964 would be revised to expand the definition of sexual orientation and gender identity as new protected classes in the federal code. If implemented, this legislation would significantly threaten free speech, religious freedom, and harm the progress that women have made toward equal and safe treatment. People of any faith whose religious tradition teaches a historical narrative of marriage being between one man and one woman can legally be harassed, discriminated against, and even fired for those beliefs in the workplace.

If enacted, the H.R.5 “Equality Act” would further inequality and present significant harm in at least five groups:

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