Feminism as a Victim Mentality Disorder cannot counter Muslim misogyny

Aug 3, 2018 by

by Janice Fiamengo, courtesy of Rebel Priest:

Why do western feminists remain silent about—or even justify—the horrendous abuses of women when the abusers are not white men, while typically focusing on what a reasonable person might consider trivial cases of “sexism”?

A case in point is the complicity over decades of many feminist officials and journalists in the cover-up of the sex abuse scandal in Rotherham, Halifax, Oxford, Rochdale, Bristol, Telford, Rotherham, Peterborough, Derby, Aylesbury, Newcastle and other towns in England between 1997 and 2013, in which thousands of white underclass girls were sexually abused, often with extreme violence, by gangs of British-Pakistani Muslim men, an abuse ignored and denied for years in the interests of multicultural harmony.

I will argue that modern feminism is a social movement that attracts adherents who are vulnerable to or already possess certain severe emotional problems. In other words, the feminist way of perceiving the world is both an expression of and an encouragement to disordered and irrational thinking. In particular, feminism manifests many elements of a Victim Mentality Disorder (VMD).

A victim mentality is a learned personality trait in which one believes oneself to have been harmed in a manner entirely undeserved and for which one bears no responsibility. Typical characteristics of the victim mentality include being unwilling to take responsibility for your own actions, ascribing non-existent negative intentions to other people, and gaining pleasure from feeling sorry for yourself.

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