Flood, fire, famine and pestilence: the end is nigh (maybe)

Jul 16, 2021 by

by Archbishop Cranmer:

Wildfires blaze across the western states: California and Oregon burn day and night. Death Valley hit a blistering 54.4°C, which might be the highest recorded ambient temperature on Earth. Across Germany and Belgium, floods are devastating states and lives: thousands are homeless, hundreds have died in a deluge of misery. Lapland and Siberia are sweltering; India and Libya are baking. Tokyo is flooding, and so did London this week when a month of rain fell in a single day.

And famine stalks Ethiopia: there is no food in Tigray, and no ‘Live Aid’ to sing for the starving children. A million are just walking skeletons; five million go hungry every day, while the animals find a hole to lay their heads, curl up and die. And Covid is the cataclysm of the age; the pestilence which has infected 200 million and killed around four million loved ones. The end must be nigh.

Or perhaps not, for we have been here many times before.

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