Free speech being stifled on social media

Jun 17, 2018 by

by Paul Huxley, Christian Concern:

On 14th June 2018, Robert A. J. Gagnon received a 24-hour ban from posting or commenting on Facebook.

Gagnon is the author of The Bible and Homosexual Practice: Texts and Hermeneutics – arguably the leading scholarly work explaining the Bible’s position that same-sex intercourse is sinful. He is a distinguished scholar, having been Associate Professor at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary and authored numerous major publications, from esteemed theological journals to The Washington Post.

But Facebook has decided that he’s not good enough to write on their platform. At least, for 24 hours.

Did he abuse someone?

Did he write something racist, sexist or violent?

Did he post an offensive or unsuitable photo or video?


Gagnon simply responded to a clip from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation – a publicly-funded broadcaster – which showed a group of primary aged children being taught to celebrate gay pride. The presenter, Jessi Cruickshank, explained how Jodie Foster made her question her sexuality as a child, implying that she watched the film Nell multiple times because she liked seeing Foster nude.

Gagnon commented on Facebook as follows:

Read here

See also: Revelation TV fined for homophobia, by David Robertson, theweeflea

Tyranny of the minorities, by Quentin Letts, MailOnline


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