Gay Columnist Nails Why Gay Pride Parades Are Inappropriate for Children and Toxic for Adults

Jun 17, 2018 by

from Activist Mommy:

Whether or not you agree with promoting the homosexual lifestyle, you have to agree there is a big double-standard when it comes to what’s appropriate for children between homosexuality and heterosexuality.

For example, it is one thing to proudly declare you’re homosexual and the government shouldn’t legislate what you do in your bedroom. Fine. It is quite another to march down the street simulating what you do in your bedroom in front of small children.

A gay columnist in Canada, Josh Dehaas, says that it would be perfectly understandable for Ontario premier-designate Doug Ford to avoid the world-famous Toronto Pride Parade this month. But that if he will, he’ll surely be slapped with the worn-out label of “homophobe.”

He writes:

One of the first decisions premier-designate Doug Ford will need to make is whether to march in Toronto’s gay Pride parade later this month. If he doesn’t submit to strolling down Yonge Street while getting soaked by leather-clad men armed with water guns, his critics will claim it’s proof he hates gays.

He explains how, over recent years, the parade’s drink sales have plummeted, indicating he’s not the only Torontonian that’s avoiding the parade. This is likely due to the increased presence of far-left groups that have nothing to do with gay rights, such as the openly racist Toronto chapter of Black Lives Matter.

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