Gay marriage was peak social liberalism says Guardian columnist

Feb 14, 2020 by

by Coalition for Marriage:

Guardian columnist Ellie Mae O’Hagan has said that the introduction of same-sex marriage under the Conservatives was the “culmination” of social liberalism.

But, she warns, the recent ‘anti-woke’ backlash shows that progressives are losing the argument.

Ms O’Hagan argues that the arrival of New Labour in 1997 ushered in a new era of liberal consensus that was “so dominant and all-encompassing that almost every opinion that existed outside of it was dismissed as the view of cranks”.

Yet, she says, the recent trend for celebrities like Laurence Fox and Piers Morgan standing up against unpopular progressive ideas shows that the consensus is cracking. Indeed, she warns it suggests that there are “millions of Laurence Foxes up and down the country, and that their views are mainstream”.

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