General Synod Results

Oct 20, 2021 by

Newer items at the top:

If 40% or less of the Church of England’s governing body identify as orthodox, is that really a cause for celebration? by Julian Mann and Andrew Symes, Anglican Mainstream

Poll results signal little change on sexuality in Church of England by John Sandeman, Eternity News

General Synod elections: the ‘liberal drift’ is not a foregone conclusion by Archbishop Cranmer

What will the new General Synod look like? by Peter Ould, Psephizo

What does the newly elected Church of England General Synod mean for Conservatives? by Julian Mann, Christian Today

Living in Love and Faith: A Predicted Outcome (Oct 2021), Anglican Futures

Synod elections a ‘battle for the CofE’s soul’ by Rosie Dawson, Religion Media Centre

Conservative MPs’ close interest in C of E affairs

Letter to Church Times argues that MP’s desire to increase Parliamentary involvement in C of E decision-making strengthens arguments for disestablishment. “Chris Loder MP…reminds us that it is not well known enough that the General Synod is a delegated body of Parliament…This is precisely what establishment entails…”’

The future of the Church of England: Synod, wider culture, and challenges for evangelicals by Andrew Symes, Anglican Mainstream

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