Harari’s hypocrisy and why Christians can be just the same

Aug 7, 2019 by

by David Robertson, theweeflea.

The Israeli historian Yuval Noah Harari is this generation’s ‘must have’ writer if you want to show just how in touch you are with modern society.

His Sapiens and Homo Deus have sold, and continue to sell in their millions. He is the guru of the techno elites from Bill Gates to the current masters of Google and others in Silicon Valley.

Sapiens gives us a history of humanity from an evolutionary perspective. It’s basic thesis is that that there have been three big revolutions in human history; the Cognitive, the Agricultural and the Scientific.

Homo Deus is his attempt to project on to the future. He looks at the dreams, fears and possibilities for the future.

His vision of the future is to my mind, somewhat depressing and dystopian – human beings will become in effect superior machines and there will be no need for the ‘useless’ class. The next stage of evolution is for humanity to become God. Where have we heard that promise before?!

Harari has got himself into a spot of bother though. His latest book – 21 lessons for the 21st Century is about the present. As with the other books there is much that is stimulating and provocative, but in a book that warns about ‘fake news’ and argues for clarity, Harari has confused his own message.

Read here

See also: Evaluating the new influential philosophers, by Andrew Symes, Anglican Mainstream.

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